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In software development, Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side Web applications. Although Node.js is not a JavaScript framework,[3] many of its basic modules are written in JavaScript, and developers can write new modules in JavaScript. The runtime environment interprets JavaScript using Google's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js Tutorial for beginners - Learn Node.js framework in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including Introduction, Environment Setup, Node Package Manager, Node Callbacks Concept, Node Buffers Module, Node Streams, Node File System, Node Utility Modules, Node Web Module, Node Express Application, Node RESTFul API, Node Scaling Application.
Занять 51
Годин 18
Періодичність щодня
Тип навчання online
Вступний іспит
Перевірка домашнього завдання
Дипломний проект
Допомога в працевлаштуванні
Вікова категорія для дорослих
Рівень підготовки Початковий
Мова English

Чого ви навчитеся на цьому курсі?

  • Node.js Introduction
  • How to Install Node.js with NPM on Windows
  • How to Install Node.js with NPM on Ubuntu Linux
  • How to install Visual Studio Code on Windows
  • Run First NodeJs Web Server
  • Cmder : A Better Command Prompt Tool for Windows
  • Node.js debugger
  • Node.js Docs and The Global Object
  • Creating Custom Modules in Nodejs
  • How to install Atom editor in Ubuntu Linux
  • Reading and Writing Files using fs module
  • Creating and Removing Directories using fs module
  • Node.js Events and EventEmitter
  • Basics of Streams - Readable Stream
  • Basics of Streams - Writable Streams
  • pipes
  • Using node.js for serving HTML page
  • Using node.js for serving JSON Data
  • Basic Routing with node
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Про компанію YouTube канал ProgrammingKnowledge Learning

Hello ,

Here I will share my Programming knowledge and experience with you all…..

I  make video tutorials and post it on YouTube and my Blog. These tutorials where about Programming and I did enjoy making them.

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YouTube канал ProgrammingKnowledge Learning

Hello ,

Here I will share my Programming knowledge and experience with you all…..

I  make video tutorials and post it on YouTube and my Blog. These tutorials where about Programming and I did enjoy making them.

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