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Angular 4 certification training at Edureka makes you an expert in concepts such as SPA (Single Page Application), DOM manipulations, DOM events, Dependency Injection (DI), REST API communication, Async supporting libraries, and external libraries such as JQuery and Bootstrap.
Занять 47
Годин 47
Періодичність щодня
Тип навчання online
Вступний іспит
Перевірка домашнього завдання
Дипломний проект
Допомога в працевлаштуванні
Вікова категорія для дорослих
Рівень підготовки Початковий
Мова English

Чого ви навчитеся на цьому курсі?

  • Describe Client Side MVC, SPA, and Typescript
  • Discuss and Apply various application designs, testing practices, and related development tools DI
  • List different ways of development using alternate APIs and use them as per use cases
  • Explain XHR communication, Form manipulation, and REST API communication
  • State Async supporting libraries/features like Promises, Observable
  • Describe Internationalization/Localization, and External libraries like JQuery, Bootstrap, incorporation
  • Explore Upgrading from 1.X AngularJS Application, and Multi-Device/Cross-Platform application
  • Illustrate how to use Node.JS, MongoDB (MEAN Stack) to create simple functioning RESTful APIs yourself.
  • Work on a real-life Project, implementing an Electronic Voting System to learn 10) Create-Read-Update-Delete concepts and derive Business Insights.
  • A working code base implemented for a real-life project using MEAN stack to learn integration of different frontend requirements into a single project - Shopping Cart
  • Working code bases implemented for a real-life project using Firebase - Grocery List Management / Employee Management.
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We are a live & interactive e-learning platform with the mission of making learning accessible to everyone. We offer instructor-led courses, along with 24/7 on-demand support to achieve highest course completion rates in the industry! Our real-life projects, 24*7 Support, Personal Learning Managers ensure that your learning goals are met!

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