Категорії курсів

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Відео про курс

Edureka's OpenStack Certification training provides a detailed understanding of the steps necessary to operate OpenStack environment. Also, you will go through architectures, live implementations, provisioning and lab setup for the real-world challenges faced by OpenStack experts.
Занять 11
Годин 11
Періодичність щодня
Тип навчання online
Вступний іспит
Перевірка домашнього завдання
Дипломний проект
Допомога в працевлаштуванні
Вікова категорія для дорослих
Рівень підготовки Початковий
Мова English

Чого ви навчитеся на цьому курсі?

  • What is OpenStack
  • OpenStack Installation
  • OpenStack Certification
  • OpenStack Vs AWS
Детальніше про програму курса

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We are a live & interactive e-learning platform with the mission of making learning accessible to everyone. We offer instructor-led courses, along with 24/7 on-demand support to achieve highest course completion rates in the industry! Our real-life projects, 24*7 Support, Personal Learning Managers ensure that your learning goals are met!

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YouTube канал edureka!

We are a live & interactive e-learning platform with the mission of making learning accessible to everyone. We offer instructor-led courses, along with 24/7 on-demand support to achieve highest course completion rates in the industry! Our real-life projects, 24*7 Support, Personal Learning Managers ensure that your learning goals are met!

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