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In this tutorial, we will be learning a very interesting topic: What is Kotlin?. This Kotlin tutorial for beginners will give you an introduction to Kotlin language; why should we learn the Kotlin language? The history of Kotlin language, its features, and uses, etc., in a detail.
Занять 12
Годин 3
Періодичність щодня
Тип навчання online
Вступний іспит
Перевірка домашнього завдання
Дипломний проект
Допомога в працевлаштуванні
Вікова категорія для дорослих
Рівень підготовки Початковий
Мова English

Чого ви навчитеся на цьому курсі?

  • What Is Kotlin?
  • Kotlin vs Flutter 2022: Which One Is Better?
  • Kotlin vs Java
  • Kotlin Tutorial for Beginners
  • What Are Coroutines In Kotlin?
  • Kotlin Jetpack Tutorial
  • Kotlin Multiplatform Tutorial
  • Kotlin Functions Tutorial
  • Introduction To Flutter Free Course With Certificate
  • Kotlin If Else Statement Explained
  • Loops In Kotlin Explained
  • Kotlin Interview Questions and Answers For 2022
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Simplilearn is the world’s #1 online Bootcamp and one of the world’s leading certification training providers. Based in San Francisco, California, and Bangalore, India, we provide training in areas where technologies and best practices are changing rapidly, and the demand for qualified candidates significantly exceeds the supply. We have trained over 3,000,000 professionals, have over 2000 qualified trainers on board, and offer over 400 courses with 40 plus global accreditations. With live instructions from leading experts, interactive labs & projects, peer-to-peer collaboration, on-demand lessons, and 24/7 learning support, we provide learners with a comprehensive curriculum at a fraction of the cost of an on-campus program.

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YouTube канал Simplilearn

Simplilearn is the world’s #1 online Bootcamp and one of the world’s leading certification training providers. Based in San Francisco, California, and Bangalore, India, we provide training in areas where technologies and best practices are changing rapidly, and the demand for qualified candidates significantly exceeds the supply. We have trained over 3,000,000 professionals, have over 2000 qualified trainers on board, and offer over 400 courses with 40 plus global accreditations. With live instructions from leading experts, interactive labs & projects, peer-to-peer collaboration, on-demand lessons, and 24/7 learning support, we provide learners with a comprehensive curriculum at a fraction of the cost of an on-campus program.

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