Категорії курсів

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This social media marketing tutorial will help you learn what social media marketing is, How to start social media marketing, what are the channels used for SMM and how can you use them, what are the tools for social media marketing and few important tips to become a good social media marketer. Social media was introduced as an easier way to connect with our closed ones. But, now it has turned out to be an affordable and important marketing strategy for businesses of all types.
Занять 31
Годин 18
Періодичність щодня
Тип навчання online
Вступний іспит
Перевірка домашнього завдання
Дипломний проект
Допомога в працевлаштуванні
Вікова категорія для дорослих
Рівень підготовки Початковий
Мова English

Чого ви навчитеся на цьому курсі?

  • 1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
  • 2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
Детальніше про програму курса

Про компанію YouTube канал Simplilearn

Simplilearn is the world’s #1 online Bootcamp and one of the world’s leading certification training providers. Based in San Francisco, California, and Bangalore, India, we provide training in areas where technologies and best practices are changing rapidly, and the demand for qualified candidates significantly exceeds the supply. We have trained over 3,000,000 professionals, have over 2000 qualified trainers on board, and offer over 400 courses with 40 plus global accreditations. With live instructions from leading experts, interactive labs & projects, peer-to-peer collaboration, on-demand lessons, and 24/7 learning support, we provide learners with a comprehensive curriculum at a fraction of the cost of an on-campus program.

На сайт курсу
YouTube канал Simplilearn

Simplilearn is the world’s #1 online Bootcamp and one of the world’s leading certification training providers. Based in San Francisco, California, and Bangalore, India, we provide training in areas where technologies and best practices are changing rapidly, and the demand for qualified candidates significantly exceeds the supply. We have trained over 3,000,000 professionals, have over 2000 qualified trainers on board, and offer over 400 courses with 40 plus global accreditations. With live instructions from leading experts, interactive labs & projects, peer-to-peer collaboration, on-demand lessons, and 24/7 learning support, we provide learners with a comprehensive curriculum at a fraction of the cost of an on-campus program.

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